Smart meter fraud in Hyderabad petrol station

Hyderabad: Many petrol stations across the state are cheating motorists. When these frauds are exposed, some banks are being seized by the authorities, while some banks are under pressure from the political leaders and the banks are being opened again and are being run by frauds.

The latest smart fraud has come out. Some of the petrol station owners have installed electronic chips at the meter reading machine to pump petrol and find the motorists vertically by pouring petrol. In Rangareddy district, a petrol station defrauding consumers has been discovered. GYS Reddy Filling Station at 313 Filler in Rajendranagar Circle, Complaints have been pouring in to the officials that they are cheating by installing a chip in the Indian Oil petrol station. Some motorists have noticed that after pouring 5 liters of petrol, about 500 ml of petrol is getting less and complained to the authorities. On receipt of the complaint, Tunikala, with the help of Civil Supply Officers and SOT Police conducted a surprise inspection at the petrol pump. The memory card along with the chip installed in the meter reading machines of the bank was seized. A case has been registered against the owner of the petrol station and investigation is being carried out from various angles.

Precautions:-1- While filling fuel in petrol stations, some workers presses the fuel nozzle repeatedly.

We will focus on the reading so it will not matter much. By pressing the nozzle like that, we get less fuel. Many people do not get out of the car while getting petrol for such vehicles. A lot of petrol theft happens in such situations. So get out of the car and look at the nozzle pipe towards the reading.

2- Due to these smart chips, the meter reading sometimes jumps. Does the chip inside the machine show the correct meter reading? As the petrol is repeatedly left out of the pipe nozzles, we lose about 50 ml to 100 ml per liter.

3- Instead of 3-round figure amount, petrol should be sold for hard figure amount. E.g.:-Rs.100,, 150,,200 instead of Rs.125,,170,,224.40 paisa means 2 liters.


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